Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software

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  1. Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software Windows 10
  2. Spectrum Analyzer Free
  3. Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software Reviews
Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software

Powerful sound analyzer software. View and analyse the contents of music audio files. Hosts VST Plugins Acoustic Spectrum Analyser/Spectrogram Viewer. 31 band spectral analyzer. VST Frequency spectrum analyzer. VST/AU/ RTAS A real-time signal analysis tool and an offline time-frequency browser. TrueRTA’s audio spectrum analyzer software designed to work on the Windows platform. The software comes packed with lots of features for the benefit of the users. It features; a high-resolution real-time analyzer, low distortion signal generator, dual trace oscilloscope, digital level meter, and a crest factor meter. Audio Tools and Electronics Software. These are programs for testing and analyzing. Included are spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, and signal generators. These are all free versions. WD6CNF hosts a series of useful software, linked individually below. Audio Spectrum Analyzer Analyzes audio from 10 Hz to 20 kHz, Input from microphone or wave.

Note: since this article was published several of the oscilloscopes mentioned have been replaced with upgraded versions. The 16-bit ADC-216 has been replaced by the PicoScope 4262. The PicoScope 3224 and 3424 8-bit scopes have been replaced by a range of models in the PicoScope 3000 Series. The PicoScope 320x Series of budget scopes has been replaced by the PicoScope 2000 series ultra-compact oscilloscopes.


Advantages of Pico products for audio spectrum analysis

Spectrum analyzers tend to fall into two categories: so-called ‘swept’ spectrum analyzers and FFT-based spectrum analyzers. Swept spectrum analyzers work by using one or more notch filters (or mixers) to measure the signal amplitude at a given frequency, and by changing (or sweeping) the frequency of this filter a plot of amplitude against frequency can be constructed. Swept spectrum analyzers still have their place in high-frequency spectrum analysis, but for audio work they have the disadvantage that the signal must be constant for the whole period of the sweep.

FFT-based spectrum analyzers work by digitizing the signal of interest using a analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The stored values are then processed using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. The advantage of this method is that the spectrum of a one-off or short-duration event can be captured. For example, using PicoScope’s trigger capabilities it is possible to capture the spectrum of a single drumbeat.

Performing spectrum analysis requires a lot of calculations, with some FFT-based spectrum analyzers taking several seconds to update a trace. PicoScope uses an optimized, high-speed routine for spectrum analysis that results in ‘real time’ results. Even on a relatively modest computer such as a 33 MHz 486 PC the spectrum analyzer can still update many times a second.

Pico PC oscilloscopes suitable for audio spectrum analysis

Although most of the PicoScope PC Oscilloscope range can be used for audio spectrum analysis, the higher-resolution devices are most suited. For high-end professional testing the ADC-216 is hard to beat. For general purpose work the PicoScope 3224 and 3424 (USB oscilloscopes) and ADC-212 (parallel port oscilloscopes) are ideal. If cost is an issue, consider the PicoScope 320x series.

The two key specifications for a FFT analyzer are sampling rate and dynamic range. A spectrum analyzer will be able to display up to one half of the maximum sampling rate. To cover the entire 20 kHz audio band this calls for a sampling rate in excess of 40 kS/s. If you are interested in testing the frequency response of amplifiers you may wish to look well beyond the 20 kHz point so a higher sampling rate is required.

The dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer is the next most important consideration. Most oscilloscopes (whether PC-based or benchtop) have an 8-bit resolution (256 steps). This limits spectrum analysis to 48 dB of dynamic range (20 log 256) The PicoScope 320x series are 8-bit devices. Unusually for oscilloscopes, the ADC-212 and, PicoScope 3224 and 3424 are 12 bit devices (4096 steps) which gives a theoretical maximum of 72 dB of dynamic range. The ADC-212 through a combination of oversampling, digital filtering and software averaging can actually improve on this theoretical 72 dB. The ADC-216 with its 16-bit resolution (65536 steps) has close to 100 dB of dynamic range.

To put these figures in context a typical tape deck would have 40 to 50 dB of dynamic range, a quality power amplifier 70 to 80 dB and a top end CD player 80 to 90 dB. As you will see below not all CD players live up to this.

The specifications of these devices are summarized in the table below.

UnitResolutionSampling rateSpectrum rangeDynamic range
ADC-21616 bits333 kS/s166 kHz> 95 dB
PicoScope 322412 bits20 MS/s10 MHz> 70 dB
PicoScope 342412 bits20 MS/s10 MHz> 70 dB
ADC-212/10012 bits100 MS/s50 MHz> 80 dB
ADC-212/312 bits3 MS/s1500 kHz> 80 dB
PicoScope 32068 bits200 MS/s100 MHz> 50 dB
PicoScope 32058 bits100 MS/s50 MHz> 50 dB
PicoScope 32048 bits50 MS/s25 MHz> 50 dB

Using the ADC-216 to test CD players

To show the sort of performance you can expect with the ADC-216 spectrum analyzer we decided to test two CD players. We chose a ‘budget’ portable model and a high-quality unit from Quad. One channel of the ADC-216 was connected directly to the portable CD player. The PicoScope trace below shows a pure 1 kHz tone from a test CD. As expected the result is a sharp peak at 1 kHz. The second, third and fifth harmonics are clearly visible showing distortion caused by the CD player. The peaks around 18 kHz are caused by the switching power supply inside the CD player's mains adaptor. If the CD player is run on batteries this noise disappears.

Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software

Next we repeated the experiment with the Quad CD player. As expected the results were much improved, the 5th harmonic is the most significant, 96 dB down on the main signal. The window showing measurements and harmonics is a separate program that took data from PicoScope (using DDE) to automate audio measurements. This program is no longer required since these measurements along with many others are now built in to the main PicoScope program. You can access the measurements from the settings menu—see help file for further details.

Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software Windows 10

Crosstalk is an important performance indicator that can easily be measured with a spectrum analyzer. We played a 10 kHz sinewave (–10 dB) on the right channel of each CD player in turn (measured with the ADC-216). Ideally no signal would be present in the right channel, on the portable CD player the crosstalk is visible 60 dB down on the signal on the left channel.

On the Quad CD player, the crosstalk is at least 90 dB down.

Spectrum Analyzer Free

An ideal CD player should have a flat frequency response over the whole audio spectrum. The specifications of our portable CD player stated a 20 Hz to 20 kHz response within 3 dB. We tested this using a sinewave that sweeps from 0 to 20 kHz. Plotting such a frequency response is not possible with many FFT spectrum analyzers as they take a quick snapshot of the signal then take several seconds processing and displaying the results. The result tends to be that only one frequency peak gets captured during the sweep. PicoScope’s data collection and processing are optimized for speed—even on a relatively slow PC (33 MHz 386) the spectrum analyzer has a near-instantaneous ‘real time’ update rate. The sinewave used for our test takes about 30 seconds to sweep from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. In this time PicoScope performs 100s of FFTs rather than the 2 or 3 that most FFT spectrum analyzers can manage. To display the frequency response as a single line rather than a moving peak, we used PicoScope’s peak detect function as shown below. As you can see the –3 dB point is not the 20 kHz claimed by the data sheet, but is nearer 16 kHz.

When the test was repeated on the Quad CD player, the frequency response was almost flat to 20 kHz. It also exhibits a sharper drop off after 20 kHz.

Several customers have asked for our advice on what type of signal source is best for testing amplifiers. The problem is finding a signal generator or sinewave source with a low enough distortion figure. We have been particularly impressed with the Black Star LDO100 low-distortion oscillator. The trace below shows its output at 1 kHz when plugged directly into an ADC-216.

Spectrum analysis is one of the areas that have witnessed a tremendous amount of advances in terms of technology. Currently, we are able to conduct the majority of the analysis in an automated manner and thus saving a lot of time while at the same time being accurate.


This is all thanks to the modern spectrum analyzer software that will ensure you are able to get lots more from your average computer or even mobile devices.

Aaronia Spectrum Analyzer Software

Aaronia Spectrum Analyzer Software is a freeware that comes packed with lots of functionalities to ensure you achieve the most accurate analysis. With the tool, the users are able to get fully customized skins and look as well as the ability to use it in virtually all the OS.


Touchstone is an RF spectrum analyzer software that turns the data collected through tools such as RF Explorer into graphical charts and other high-quality displays. With this, you can be sure of making much more detailed analysis and consequently be more accurate at it which is critically important.

Sygyt Spectrum

Sygyt Spectrum analyzer software is a freeware that makes experimentation with sound waves a thing that can be accessed by almost everyone. At the same time, the software makes it easy to do sound visualization and analysis of the spectrum which is usually a challenging thing.

Other Platform

The majority of the spectrum analysis software’s are standalone applications. In addition to this, they also heavily depend on the resources of the computer and thus are heavily integrated into the OS. That is the result it makes them very platform dependent, this has to be constantly kept in mind.

Dogs Park iSpectrum for Mac

Dogs Park iSpectrum is a spectrum analyzer software dedicated to the Mac users and is donation based since it is offered absolutely free. With this software, users have the ability to choose from six bandwidth resolutions. Overall, the software gives the user so many controls which are great for perfect analysis.

Real-time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software Reviews

TrueRTA’s Audio Spectrum for Windows

TrueRTA’s audio spectrum analyzer software designed to work on the Windows platform. The software comes packed with lots of features for the benefit of the users. It features; a high-resolution real-time analyzer, low distortion signal generator, dual trace oscilloscope, digital level meter, and a crest factor meter.

Spectrum Analyzer for Android

Spectrum Analyzer is an Android App that makes it possible to make an analysis of sound waves right from your phone. The app comes in two variations; there is the free app version while there is also a premium version. The free version also comes with some cool features such as tap to pause and does not have Ads.

Most Popular Software for 2016Spike

Spike by Signal Hound is a leading spectrum analyzer software. The analyzer is windows based and for the convenience purpose, it comes in two variants for the 32 bit systems as well as one for 64 bit systems. The software offers real-time analysis and improved TG sweeps.

What is Spectrum Analyzer Software?

A spectrum analysis is a computer application that is designed to make an analysis of the various elements of a radio frequency or RF in short. With the use of the software’s in this category, the users are able to make visualization with the use of various methods such as charts. It is from such visualization that analysis is able to be conducted.

Essentially, the software in this category transforms an average computer or even a smartphone into an accurate spectrum analyzer. All this is without necessarily need to purchase additional equipment. As a result, it is easy and convenient for professionals and hobbyist to get working.You may also see Wi-Fi Analyzer Software

There are a lot of things that technology has helped us achieve, and this is definitely one of them. With the detailed reviews made above, it is now quite easy to choose the best spectrum analyzer software for both professionals and those seeking to have fun with this.

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