Nist Refprop Program

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Linking REFPROP with Other Applications

The file that is provided with the REFPROP program that is called by EES is REFPROP.DLL. By default, EESREFPROPassumes that this file and the Fluids and Mixtures folders provided with it can be found in the C: REFPROP, the C: PROGRAM FILES REFPROP or the C: PROGRAM FILES NIST REFPROP directories. If the REFPROP.DLL file is not located in. The Refprop.xls file that comes with the program has Visual Basic (VB) code embedded within it to make the connection between the workbook and the Refprop DLL. However, when working with anything other than temporary calculations, it is best to start with a blank workbook that does not have the VB code.

  1. An interface has been developed for REFPROP that allows the NIST property data base to be used with the equation-solving and other features of EES. If you are involved in modeling refrigeration systems that use property information not included in EES, you will find the NIST REFPROP program and the EESREFPROP interface to be of considerable.
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  3. Property calculation routines to REFPROP 9.0 andmade the following program modifications: (1) allow for saturation pressure inputs for both the. A NIST CYCLED Program Group will be created at the end of the installation. To run the program, double- click on the NIST CYCLED icon. This publication is available free of charge from https://doi.

Please note:The information below was developed for Refprop 9.1 (except the VB6 and .NET applications), but in many applications they will still work with Refprop 10.However, in most cases the new material on Github should be used instead of the applications here when linking with Version 10.

1.Github website

2.C Applications

3.VB6 and .NET Applications

4.Mac/Unix/Linux Applications

5.CAPE-OPEN Applications

Refprop 10 Download

6.Perl Applications

7.MATLAB Applications

8.Excel Applications

Nist Refprop Free

Github website. The following link will transfer you to the website that documents all new linking applications for Refprop 10:

Nist refprop software

C Applications. A sample C++ file comes with the Refprop program and is installed in the Examples directory and explained in the help file. An example for the C programming language has been written by Ian Bell. The zip file is included below:

VB6 and .NET Applications. The following simple application can be used to link Refprop 10 with VB6 (these will not work with Refprop 9.1):
Ian Spanswick provided the following example for linking with VB.NET.It is based on the VBA code in the Refprop.xls Excel file distributed with Version 10.

Mac/Unix/Linux Applications. Links to Refprop on Mac, Unix, or Linux operating systems is being developed by Jorrit Wronski, Jean-Baptiste Carre, and Nathan Kamphuis. The application is described at:

CAPE-OPEN Applications. The following weblink gives the details of a third-party application for linking Refprop to CAPE-OPEN applications.

Nist refprop program application

Perl Applications. The following example file for the Perl programming language has been written by Chermac Rolle, and he has given us permission to distribute his code to others.

MATLAB Applications. Keith Wait from GE Home Business Solutions has made the following MATLAB application available. This application calls the Refprop DLL directly rather than through the mex file provided in previous versions of Refprop. This release now includes the molar mass, compressibility factor, gross and net heating values, critical point properties, volumetric expansivity, and a number of other properties. The routines can now read mixture files (*.mix). When using these new files, be sure to delete the old refpropm.mexw32 or refpropm.mexw64 files if you downloaded them previously.
refpropm.m (uploaded Oct. 17, 2013)
Note: These file names are now lowercase, if you downloaded uppercase versions, delete them before downloading otherwise the case will be changed and the files will not work.
If an error message such as ' not a valid Win32 application' occurs, try downloading the file again, most likely the file was corrupted during the first attempt

For 64-bit MATLAB, the following files should be placed in your Refprop directory:

Excel Applications. The Refprop.xls file that comes with the program has Visual Basic (VB) code embedded within it to make the connection between the workbook and the Refprop DLL. However, when working with anything other than temporary calculations, it is best to start with a blank workbook that does not have the VB code. In this manner, future updates to the Refprop program can be made available to all of your old workbooks through the instructions below.
If calculations do not appear to work and you are located outside of the U.S., try switching the period and comma, or the comma and semicolon, to enter the numbers in the format required by your version of Microsoft products.For example, try both of these to see which format is required:
To make the Excel routines in Refprop available to any worksheet in 9.0 (in version 9.1, this is done automatically for you during the installation), two environment variables called RPprefix and Path should be added (you will need administrative rights in order to do this) in a similar manner as shown below in the User variables section:
Do not add these to your System variables section (and more importantly, do NOT damage your path statement in the System variables section!). In XP, the environment variables can be set under Start/Settings/Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables, under the 'User variables' option. In Windows 7, this can be found in Start/Control Panel/System And Security/System/Change settings/Advanced/Environment variables.

In 64-bit versions of Windows, Microsoft added another Program Files directory called 'Program Files (x86)', which is the default directory where Refprop gets installed. For the connections to work, you need to either point to this directory in your path statement or copy all the Refprop files to the old 'Program Files' directory.

The following outlines the procedure for using REFPROP within any spreadsheet in Office 2007 or 2010:
1. Open REFPROP.xls and save it as an add-in, REFPROP.xla or REFPROP.xlam, in the main REFPROP folder, C:Program FilesREFPROP.
2. Go to File/Options/Trust Center/Trust Center Settings (button at bottom right).
3. Select 'Trusted Locations' on the left. Click 'Add new location'. Browse to C:Program FilesREFPROP, select 'Subfolders of this location are also trusted', and click 'OK'.
4. Go to File/Options/Add-Ins and select 'Excel Add-ins' in the Manage drop-down box at the bottom, and click Go.
5. Click 'Browse', and navigate to C:Program FilesREFPROP, select REFPROP.xlam and click OK. IMPORTANT: Do not simply select REFPROP.xlam when it first comes up, as this will be in the wrong folder (C:Documents and SettingsUsernameApplication DataMicrosoftAddIns), which is not trusted and will not work.
6. Select the Data tab, and click on Edit Links. Select REFPROP.xlam. Click on Change Source and navigate to C:Program FilesREFPROP. Select REFPROP.xlam there and click OK. (This is just to make sure you are connected to the correct Add-in.) If the Data tab is greyed out, start typing in a Refprop command [such as “=Density('water','TP','SI',300,1) ] and the button should become active.
7. Once you have the xla or xlam file set up, you can open a brand new work book and the functions should be available to you. Do not continue working with the Refprop.xls file since it still contains the VB code that is also in the xlam file. In this manner, future updates from NIST of the Refprop.xls file can be resaved as the xlam file, and all of your work books will have access to the most recent code.
Other tips:
1. In some cases the macros may not work. Try saving the file as a macro-enabled workbook (under Save As…).
2. The xls file distributed with version 9.0 sometimes will give false answers depending on the sequence of calculations if multiple xls files are open. Switching between the open files may cause the initial setup to be lost. The updated xls file given above fixes this.
3. For inputs that do not required a 5th parameter, Excel may require the comma at the end, for example: =Pressure('water', 'TVAP', 'SI', 298,)
4. If Excel cannot find the Refprop fluid files, you can copy the *.FLD and HMX.BNC files into a default directory: C:REFPROPFLUIDS. When the program fails to find the fluid files, it will look to see if a C:REFPROPFLUIDS (or D:) is available, and if so it will use the files from that source.
5. If you see dual entries for each function in your workbook, then you have either saved two xla files, or you are working with a file that still contains the VB code. Start with a blank workbook to eliminate the dual entries for the latter case.
There have been a number of users who have had problems with the Excel link to Refprop. In some of these cases and in other situations we have found that the refprop.dll file had also been installed in either the c:windows directory or the c:windowssystem32 directory. If you experience problems, please do a full hard drive search for refprop.dll and delete all occurrences except the one in your c:program filesrefprop directory.

Last modified: February 4, 2019

Nist Refprop Program

Refprop Free

NIST Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database (REFPROP): Version 10

Please be advised that we no longer accept purchase orders under $2500.00.

Download REFPROP 10: $325.00 PLACE ORDERwith credit card.

Upgrades are available from 9.x to 10.x. $125.00 UPGRADE with credit card.

Nist Refprop Program

Contactcustomer support at (844) 374-0183 (Toll Free) or for site licenses and distributor agreements.

  • Site licenses are available for REFPROP version 10.
    • Discounts based on number of users.
    • 50% off for existing site license customers.
    • Use the REFPROP DLL in your Intranet applications with your site license.
    • Download Site License Agreement version 10.
  • Distributor agreements are available to integrate REFPROP into your software and hardware products.
    • Contact us at for more information.

See the REFPROP FAQ for help installing and using REFPROP.
For information on Refprop in Japanese, see
New Features of REFPROP Version 10

  • Enhancements have been made to most areas of the NIST REFPROP program, including the equations of state for many of the pure fluids and mixtures, the transport equations, the graphical interface, the Excel spreadsheet, the Fortran files (i.e., core property routines), the sample programs in Python, C++, MATLAB, VB, etc. Some of the more important improvements are listed below:
  • A new Excel file with many more examples and additional documentation.
  • All of the Fortran code was highly optimized resulting in increased calculation speed and improved convergence. Many new flags were added to allow the user to specify better how the programs works.
  • A new function is available to allow users to call Refprop with one single command that replaces most other calls from 9.1 (thus removing the need to learn what routines to use and the inputs/outputs for each routine, such as TPFLSH, THERM, etc.) However, the old routines are still available for backwards compatibility.
  • New shortcut keywords to load fluids and mixtures and other methods to simplify use of the code.
  • New shared library for the Mac; this allows use of Refprop with, for example, Python or Excel 2011. A CMake‑based build system allows for compilation on any platform (windows, OSX, Linux).
  • The vapor‑liquid equilibrium calculations for tracing isotherms and isobars (T‑x and p‑x diagrams) are greatly improved (doi:
  • New reference equations of state for ammonia, helium, and heavy water. The ammonia equation of state introduces the first change to the Helmholtz energy functional form in over 25 years of development of equations for the thermodynamic properties of fluids.
  • The addition of the following refrigerants: R1123, R1224yd(Z), R1233zd(E), R1234ze(Z), R1243zf, and R1336mzz(Z).
  • The addition of the following fluids: 1,3‑butadiene, 1‑butyne, 1‑pentene, 2,2‑dimethylbutane, 2,3‑dimethylbutane, 3‑methylpentane, acetylene, chlorine, chlorobenzene, cyclobutene, 1,2‑dichloroethane, diethanolamine, docosane, ethylene glycol, ethylene oxide, hexadecane, monoethanolamine, perfluorohexane, propadiene, propylene oxide, and vinyl chloride.
  • New equations of state have been developed for cyclopentane, D4, heptane, hexane, hydrogen chloride, MDM, MD2M, MM, neon, octane, pentane, perfluorobutane, perfluoropentane, R‑1233zd(E), R‑161, R‑245fa, R‑E347mcc (HFE‑7000), and sulfur dioxide. The development of an equation of state is a complex process requiring many months of work for each one.
  • Mixture model of Gernert implemented for selected mixtures with water, including water+CO2 and moist air.
  • Transport equations have been added or modified for acetone, acetylene, ammonia, benzene, butane, 1,3‑butadiene, 1‑butene, 1‑butyne, 2,2‑dimethylbutane, 2,3‑dimethylbutane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbonyl sulfide, chlorine, chlorobenzene, cis‑butene, cyclobutene, cyclohexane, cyclopentane, cyclopropane, D4, D5, D6, 1,2‑dichloroethane(R150), diethanolamine, diethyl ether, dimethyl carbonate, dimethyl ether, docosane, ethane, ethylbenzene, ethylene, ethylene glycol, ethylene oxide, fluorine, heptane, hexane, hexadecane, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, isobutene, isohexane, isooctane, isopentane, krypton, methyl palmitate, methyl linolenate, methyl linoleate, methyl oleate, methyl stearate, m‑xylene, MD2M, MD3M, MD4M, MDM, MM, methylcyclohexane, 3‑methylpentane, monoethanolamine, neon, neopentane, nitrous oxide, Novec‑649, o‑xylene, p‑xylene, pentane,1‑pentene, propadiene, propylcyclohexane, propylene, propylene oxide, propyne, perfluorobutane, perfluoropentane, perfluorohexane, propane, R1123, R143a, R114, R161, R1224yd(Z), R1233zd(E), R1234yf, R1234ze(Z), R1234ze(E), R1243zf, R13I1 (CF3I), R1336mzz(Z), R218, R236fa, R236ea, R245ca, R245fa, R365mfc, RE143a, RE245cb2, RE245fa2,RE347mcc, RC318, R40, sulfur dioxide, trans‑butene, toluene, undecane, vinyl chloride, and xenon.
  • New mixture models for ammonia + water and ethylene glycol + water.
  • Approximately 400 binary pairs have been added from the work of Bell and Lemmon (doi: ) • Mixture parameters were fitted (or refitted) for the following binary mixtures: R1234yf with R32, R125, R134a, and R1234ze(E), R1234ze(E) with R125 and R134a, and many others. These new mixing parameters with R1234yf and R1234ze(E) are currently the standard used in the refrigeration industry and Version 10 puts all users in compliance with the property values now in use world‑wide. All new ASHRAE predefined mixtures except those with trans‑1,2‑dichloroethylene (t‑EDC) (due to the lack of a pure fluid equation) are included.
  • New estimation schemes were developed for selected families of binary mixtures (n‑alkane + n‑alkane mixtures, mixtures with CO2, etc.) to obtain estimated interaction parameters for mixtures that have not been fitted.
  • A reverse Polish type notation was added to read any functional form for the transport properties, eliminating the need to compile a new DLL as new correlations are published. The notation and corresponding coefficients of the equation are simply added to the fluid files and the new code will read and interpret the supplied text.
  • The DOI for each primary equation was added to the fluid files. A link in the GUI is now available to load the publication if access to the journal is available.
  • Henry's constant estimation scheme to obtain better starting values for VLE of mixtures to improve convergence.
  • Additional code to identify type III mixtures for use in phase determination.
  • Most surface tension equations for the pure fluids have been updated, and an improved surface tension model for mixtures was added.
  • New code to calculate heat of formation or the mass flux for a Venturi nozzle.

Version 10.0 includes 147 pure fluids, 5 pseudo-pure fluids (such as air), and mixtures with up to 20 components:

  • The typical natural gas constituents methane, ethane, propane, butane, isobutane, pentane, isopentane, hexane, isohexane, 2,2-dimethylbutane, 2,3-dimethylbutane, 3-methylpentane, heptane, octane, isooctane, nonane, decane, undecane, dodecane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, and water.
  • The hydrocarbons 1,3-butadiene, 1-butene, 1-butyne, 1-pentene, acetone, acetylene, benzene, butene, cis-butene, cyclobutene, cyclohexane, cyclopentane, cyclopropane, docosane, ethylene, hexadecane, isobutene, methylcyclohexane, neopentane, propadiene, propylcyclohexane, propyne, toluene, and trans-butene.
  • The HFCs R23, R32, R41, R125, R134a, R143a, R152a, R161, R227ea, R236ea, R236fa, R245ca, R245fa, R365mfc, R1123, R1224yd(Z), R1233zd(E), R1234yf, R1234ze(E), R1234ze(Z), R1243zf, and R1336mzz(Z).
  • The refrigerant ethers RE143a, RE245cb2, RE245fa2, and RE347mcc (HFE-7000).
  • The HCFCs R21, R22, R123, R124, R141b, and R142b.
  • The traditional CFCs R11, R12, R13, R113, R114, and R115.
  • The fluorocarbons R14, R116, R218, R1216, C4F10, C5F12, C6F14, and RC318.
  • The 'natural' refrigerants ammonia, carbon dioxide, propane, isobutane, and propylene.
  • The main air constituents nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.
  • The noble elements helium, argon, neon, krypton, and xenon.
  • The cryogens argon, carbon monoxide, deuterium, krypton, neon, nitrogen trifluoride, nitrogen, fluorine, helium, methane, oxygen, normal hydrogen, parahydrogen, and orthohydrogen.
  • Water (as a pure fluid, or mixed with ammonia).
  • Ethylene glycol (as a pure fluid, or mixed with water).
  • The fluids carbonyl sulfide, chlorine, chlorobenzene, dichloroethane, diethanolamine, diethyl ether, dimethyl carbonate, dimethyl ether, ethanol, ethylene oxide, heavy water, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, methanol, methyl chloride, monoethanolamine, nitrous oxide, Novec-649, propylene oxide, sulfur dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, trifluoroiodomethane, and vinyl chloride.
  • The xylenes m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene, and ethylbenzene.
  • The FAMES (fatty acid methyl esters, i.e., biodiesel constituents) methyl oleate, methyl palmitate, methyl stearate, methyl linoleate, and methyl linolenate.
  • The siloxanes octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane, decamethyltetrasiloxane, dodecamethylpentasiloxane, tetradecamethylhexasiloxane, octamethyltrisiloxane, and hexamethyldisiloxane.
  • 121 predefined mixtures (such as R407C, R410A, and air); the user may define and store others.

The program uses the most accurate equations of state and models currently available:

  • High accuracy Helmholtz energy equations of state, including international standard equations for water, R134a, R32, and R143a and equations from the literature for ethane, propane, R125, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and others.
  • High accuracy MBWR equations of state, including the international standard EOS for R123.
  • The Bender equation of state for several of the 'older' refrigerants, including R14, R114, and RC318.
  • An extended corresponding states model for fluids with limited data.
  • An excess Helmholtz energy model for mixture properties.
  • Experimentally based values of the mixture parameters are available for hundreds of mixtures.
  • The American Gas Association equation AGA8 for natural gas properties (as an alternative to the Helmholtz model).
  • Viscosity and thermal conductivity are based on fluid-specific correlations (where available), a modification of the extended corresponding states model, or the friction theory model.

Available properties:

  • Temperature, Pressure, Density, Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy, Cv, Cp, Sound Speed, Compressibility Factor, Joule Thomson Coefficient, Quality, 2nd and 3rd Virial Coefficients, 2nd and 3rd Acoustic Virial Coefficients, Helmholtz Energy, Gibbs Energy, Heat of Vaporization, Fugacity, Fugacity Coefficient, Chemical Potential, K value, Molar Mass, B12, Thermal Conductivity, Viscosity, Kinematic Viscosity, Thermal Diffusivity, Prandtl Number, Surface Tension, Dielectric Constant, Gross and Net Heating Values, Isothermal Compressibility, Volume Expansivity, Isentropic Coefficient, Adiabatic Compressibility, Specific Heat Input, Exergy, Gruneisen, Critical Flow Factor, Excess Values, dp/dr, d2p/dr2, dp/dT, dr/dT, dp/dr, d2p/dr2

Windows®-based, graphical user interface features:

  • The fluid or mixture, units, reference state, properties to be displayed, and other options are specified via pull down menus.
  • A wide variety of tables - in a scrollable, spreadsheet style format - may be calculated, including saturation properties (with temperature, pressure, density, enthalpy, entropy, composition, or quality as the independent variable) and tables at constant temperature, pressure, density, volume, enthalpy, or entropy (with temperature, pressure, or density varied).
  • Input properties may be read from a file.
  • Data in any table can be copied to the clipboard for export to other programs (such as spreadsheets).
  • Data in any table can be plotted.
  • A wide variety of property diagrams may be automatically generated, including pressure-enthalpy and temperature-entropy diagrams and (for binary mixtures) temperature-composition and pressure-composition plots.
  • User preferences and entire sessions may be stored for later use.
  • A fluid search dialog is available to find fluids that match a certain criteria.
  • A complete help system is available.

Nist Refprop Program 2019

Source code: The FORTRAN subroutines and associated fluid data files are provided for those wishing to access REFPROP calculations from their own applications.

Excel spreadsheets: A sample spreadsheet is included that demonstrates how the REFPROP DLL can be linked to Excel. Most properties that are available in the graphical interface can also be calculated in the spreadsheet.

Click here to view the PDF version of Users' Guide.

System Requirements: PC running Windows® XP, 7, 8, or 10; 10.0 MB available hard disk space.

For additional information contact:

For all issues related to ordering the program contact
For questions concerning the installation and running the program, with linking the program with other applications, or with issues concerning the fluid properties, please visit the FAQ site first:

Further answers can be found at GitHub: . Please use this site to post new questions as well so that all REFPROP users may learn from the correspondence. If you still need assistance, or have other matters that that you need to discuss, email

Keywords: air; alternative refrigerants; CFC; chemical engineering; chemistry; chlorofluorocarbons; cryogens; hydrochlorofluorocarbons; equation of state; fluids; hydrocarbons; HCFC; HFC; mixtures; natural gas; refrigerants; thermodynamic property; thermodynamics; thermophysics; transport property
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